There was an Old Lady Who Wasn't Afraid of Anything at All
What a cool song! I used a video on youtube and my students and I acted the story out.
I tell the students that we are going to act out a story today through movement. I press play and we walk around the room to the steady beat. On "she heard a sound so she turned around" we stop and turn suddenly. As for the different things she see's they are pretty self explanatory but just in case here is what I did.
Shoes- Stomp
Pants- Wiggle
Shirt- Shake
Gloves- Clap
Hat- Nod
Pumpkin Head- Say Boo
When the little old lady goes home we act like we lock the door and dive into bed with the covers over us. Then we peek outside and then laugh at the final surprise of the book.
A Spooky Cup Game
I have seen this everywhere but just in case you haven't, this is a pretty golden lesson. Thank you Addams Family for making the triplet so accessible!
Pumpkin Stew
A student learned this song from another teacher and asked me about it this year. I am so glad she did! What an adorable song. I did a little research and I found this smart board file by Just a Little More blog. Click the picture to check it out! I used it to introduce the song then we made up our own ideas of what we could put in the stew just like her video below. Finally, we added a B section using various instruments and a word chain of cooking verbs. Such as "choopity chop! plop plop plop." "Choppity Chop" we played on guiros and "plop, plop, plop" on wood blocks. Such a cute lesson enjoyed by my first and second graders. Thanks Cherie!
I am taking a moment today to reflect on my planning process. My sequence is always changing and I am sure will evolve again but here is the steps I go through to plan from month to month.
I am working on having a year round plan but in my third year of teaching I am still not there yet. Half of what I did my first year I threw out and my second year stuff is a little better but needs to be reworked into my new sequence. I definitely have an idea of what concepts I would like to teach that year per grade level just the process changes. Can't stay stagnate and got to keep it fresh!
I first start by making a outline. I try to have a new learning goal monthly. I think that is just about enough time to cover one area. Sometimes though it does take a little bit longer. How I decide what I want to teach that month is from a series of different resources. Of course, I look at the national standards, Arizona state standards, and the blueprints set up by my school district.
Another way I stream line what I want to teach is by looking at plans from other seasoned teachers. For example, I used Lindsay Jervis's "Ready, Set, Plan!" This has a wonderful year long, Kodaly aligned plan. Once I look through all of this, it helps guide me to what I want to do for the month and I create my document. Here is my plan from September if you are curious. September Plan
Once you know what concepts you want to teach you need to actually figure out what activities you are going to do in order to help your students achieve this! Sometimes, if I am lucky, I fill out a simple month calendar filling in everything I want to do in a single document.
If I am not so lucky, I plan as I go and that is okay too! For every rotation of lessons (for me its every three days) I make a lessons at a glance sheet. I use one from Organized Chaos's "Rotational Schedule Lesson Planner". This little layout saves me so much! My lesson plans are wonderful but they tend to be too many pages to flip through so before this I would write the main points on a post it note and put it on my desk to glance at it. Now I put into one page and viola! I have the main ideas for each lesson k-6 on one page to reference through out teaching.
That was a lot and I could go on, but I think I will stop here! Perhaps a planning process part two will appear soon but for now I will leave you with this.
Ahhh! This is the first year I used this song and I just love it. The students responded very well and had a fun time with this cowboys lament.
Here is what I did:
Day 1:
Sing the song for students while they tap the beat. If you have a ukulele or a guitar this would be a good time to bring it out and accompany with it!
Ask the students who might sing this song? (a cowboy) Does this sound like a happy or sad song? What is he/she sad about? (Texas has no use for his long horn cow anymore!)
If you have some stick ponies it would be fun to act out the song!
Day 2:
Sing the song for students again. Echo sing each phrase to learn the song. Have students stand up and for every whole note the students act like they are holding a lasso ready to throw. They slowly swirl their "lasso" in the air for every whole note.
Just for fun I let my students line up in four lines and after singing the song each person in the front threw a hoola hoop to "lasso" a stuffed animal. (Landing the hoola hoop around the animal). We switched until everyone had a turn, singing in between each round.
Reveal where the whole note is in song. They happen so evenly on each phrase, each class had quite a few students who could figure it out very quickly. Even some the first day I presented it.
I am presenting fast and slow to my little kindies this month and there so many resources that have helped me out with leading them through.
Mrs. Miracle's Music Room
There are so many great nuggets in here from a full presentation lesson to assessments.
Hip and Hop Don't Stop
I love this book. It is a bit long for the attention spans but usually they can just make it through. The plot is about a rabbit and a turtle that love to rhyme but of course Hip (the turtle) raps slow and Hop (the rabbit) rhymes fast. Read with that in mind and students can hear the rapping at both speeds.
Kids Can Listen, Kids Can Move!
This book is a gem. Everything out of it works so well for k-1. The particular activity is called "Allegro and Adagio". I attended a workshop where the presenter did his own twist on this particular lesson from the book. I was sold! This is nice to teach in the practice phase too because you can transfer the simple terms (fast and slow) to the "fancy" ones. My first graders this year still play it for their free day every time. Some classes I think have probably repeated six or seven times!
This year has really been a year of growth. Especially in learning how to put on a concert! I had my first choir concert, attended my first choir festival, and created my first program from scratch. Man, I am glad some of those milestones are behind me ;)
Having put on my program just last night I think it is the perfect time to reflect on it! My school is all about traditions and patriotism so naturally a patriotic program would be a great annual event to start! I have to be honest though...I am not the biggest fan of patriotic music, BUT actually through this program, I think I might like it a bit more. What sold me was watching and listening to my kiddos sing some of these classic songs. They had so much fun and learned a lot! The break down of my concert:
I based it off of the book "A is for America" by Tanya Lee Stone.
This adorable book had short little rhymes for each letter featuring numerous important places, people, and things to our country. Each letter became a speaking part for the students which meant 26 parts.
I selected about 8 letters to connect a song with.
A is for America- America (My Country tis of Thee)
We sang the song and performed sign language for some select words.
Beth's Music Notes has a great post about how to add in the sign language!
B is for Baseball- Take me out to the Ballgame
In the book it actually had something different but I changed it to baseball and created my own rhyme.
This song is featured in the Silver Burdett series.
This song is actually a Kindergarten song but so adorable and easy.
It is a call and response song so either you could sing with the recorded singer on the CD or have student solos.
Martin- Sign language M
Caring- Two hands over heart
Peace- Peace sign (so creative, right? ;)
All around the world- draw a circle in the air
Loving- Make a heart with hands
S is for State- Fifty Nifty
This is another one that was not in the book and made my own little rhyme.
This is by far the favorite of my student! It is such a classic!
We learned the states by chunks. I put about five to seven states at a time on the board depending how they are grouped in the song. We sang them in order a few times and one by one I took the last state away until we had all of them memorized. It became a fun challenge for the students.
I took inspiration for movements from the video above.
Z is for Israel Zangwill- This Land is your Land
Another one that I found a good video to take inspiration from!
The possibilities are endless! I had fun putting this together and enjoy the ABC's format. As for communications, reminders, and the program I used This site is an easy to use graphic design platform. I created so much on this site and I felt so polished and cool yet I have zero design skills!
Here is the program I made:
Fancy, right? ;)
Reminder sent out the week before:
It is fun as I teach more and more, things start to become more fun and less stressful! I really enjoyed how creative you get to be putting together something like this. Now I have the blueprints and a starting point to tweak and improve for years to come!
I am linking up with Mrs. Miracle's Music Room this week to talk about three things that worked well in my classroom currently! For more ideas, click the picture below and check out other bloggers three things!
1. Little Bunny Foo Foo
Kinders and 1st graders love this silly story. First, I sing the story for them. The following class they like to sing along. Sometimes I don't know about this story...a little bit violent! We always talk about what Bunny Foo Foo could do instead! Was he making a good choice? Never the less, it is such a classic and especially, Kinder enjoys it so much. I read it last year and I had students request to read it again consistently for months! 2. Bunny Story
This is such a great way to work on listening skills while the students get some wiggles out. This is one of those lessons that is just pure joy and the students have so much fun they don't even realize they are learning so much! Click here for the bunny story script!
3. Summer Rhythms Freebie
The Yellow Brick Road blog is full of goodies including some recent freebies! She just released quite a few and her Summer Rhythms one, is a perfect quick activity for practicing ta and titi. It also gets students moving and there are many ways you can use this set! Click on the picture above to check it out!
Star Wars seems to be everywhere these days and my music room is no exception! I just recently did round two of some of these movie based lessons and thought I would compile a post about the activities I use!
1. Star Wars Mirroring
Its testing season so I am trying to keep lessons light, moving, and a lot of review! To get our bodies moving I decided it would be a good time to introduce mirroring. We talked about what mirroring is as a class and what we are trying to accomplish through this exercise. I explained that we are expressing the music through our bodies, we are learning to improvise, using teamwork. We are not trying to trick the person copying. We are working together to show how the music makes us feel and move.
Once we were all on same page of what it is and what are goal is, we began practicing. First, I was the leader and the class stood scattered in their own space, standing, and facing me. A teacher in my district played some music from the recent "The Force Awakens" movie in a mirroring activity and what an amazing soundtrack to move to. I started with "Rey's Theme" and the students mirrored me. There were a lot of giggles at first, but soon a hush came over the class and you could tell they were really focusing, trying to copy my movements.
To end the activity for the day I had the students split into pairs, sitting and facing their partner. I told the students to decide who would be the first leader and when I tap the triangle it would be the other partners turn to be the leader. We discussed that if you are truly successful in mirroring that I should not be able to tell who the leader is. We started off with just upper body for the day by sitting. I continued using the same music so that the students could really get comfortable with it and build ideas to it.
We will extend through a few classes by adding full body movement, movement across the room, and lastly adding scarves. Also, for a final wrap up I plan to use scarves and movement across the room by splitting pairs into four different groups. The four different group will move mirroring their partner at different times signaled by a triangle tap. They must freeze when it is another groups turn. I would pre establish this and write it on board and call out the form before performing.
2. Parachute Form
This one I actually did outside and I split the students into two groups to use two parachutes. They really enjoyed it! Teaches form and teamwork. The bubble part is the hardest part to get. Students always want to yank the parachute down too quickly!!
3. Rhythm Wars
There are two posts I would recommend when researching this idea:
One tip from me: When making the pool noodles I used red, green, and orange. Looking back I would have just made them out of red and green. Then I could have a group of "Light Side Jedi's" and "Dark Side Jedi's". It would be easier when saying who's turn is first or keeping track of which groups turn. I don't even think there is an orange light saber in any of the movies!
Teaching the Renaissance era is a bit of a challenge for me. I feel like there are not that many resources out there/sometimes this music is pretty out of some kiddos comfort zones. I did a quick little mini lesson about Susato that went pretty well and in the process reviewed Tam-ti with the students. I first gave a little background on Susato and his music. Then we listened to Danse de Hercules. Finally, we learned part of the theme on BoomWhackers. Super simple and only takes about ten to fifteen minutes! They enjoyed a quick lesson on the Renaissance and experienced playing some music of the time. Here is the simple powerpoint I used if you would like to check it out! Download
Being a millennial, I love all things technology! I try to incorporate it in the classroom as much as I can.
Here are some tech tools, websites, and apps I have found to be great:
Power Point Clicker
This is nothing ground breaking new, but man has it helped me with behavior management and pacing. I do not have a smart board so when using the projector especially during power points I either have to walk back and forth from the computer, stay anchored near the computer, or have a student helper. Walking back and forth can be a bit distracting and I seem to always lose some students when being farther away from them. Another issue was the dreaded whines and hurt feelings about who got to be the computer student helper or the confusion of when to click on what. So....I was talking to a teacher friend and she said that a previous principal got them all clickers one year. And I thought why haven't I thought of that?! When I think clicker, I think business presentations and a suit and tie, but it sure is effective in the classroom too! I got one off amazon for super cheap and all I have to do is plug in the USB bluetooth in my computer and turn on the remote and bingo, I am set! Also, something that I found so helpful is the clicker I got has a laser pointer too and now I can be very precise about what I am pointing at on the screen. My screen is up a bit high for my 5'2 stature so having the laser pointer instead of using my typical teacher like wood Apple pointer has been a life saver!
This is a free online notation software. It can be used for so many things. I use it for arranging music, writing out parts for practice, and composition projects. This is such an effective way for students to listen to a whole arrangement then piece by piece to help with learning an Orff arrangement or multiple part song. I have also used in the past for composition projects. The students had one day just to play around on the site and experiment, then given a few days to complete the composition with a few given guidelines, then you can share the piece on the sites community page so we had a sharing day.
I just recently became aware of google's new music notation site called Flat. I have not had time to check out this site but it looks promising. This might be an even better option. If any of you have used I would love to hear about what you think. It is definitely worth a look!
A hard thing in the music room sometimes is incorporating time effective assessment. Getting out paper and pencils, spreading out, clipboards, etc. takes quite a lot of time out of my thirty minute class. When I found plickers I was so stinkin excited!!! It is a super easy way to assess students with out all the materials. It uses the free site, QR codes, and your smart phone. You can ask the students a multiple choice or true/false question and each answer with their own individual QR code card. I printed them out off the site and put on card stock and laminated. The students answer by holding the letter (A-D) they think is right right side up then I scan their card, with my phone camera, in the app and bam I have all the data on computer! I think it is a super effective exit slip or mini quiz tool. The site is if you would like to check it out!
A Website for Practice
This is a interactive recorder game that is too fun! I first learned about this app from Mrs. Miracles Music Room Blog and when I went to download it myself I couldn't find it :( but a few months later I actually got the opportunity to go to a workshop by her and she shared that the app became a website. I was pumped!! It is as magical as I thought it would be. You could play it as a class or even assign it for homework.
I LOVE this app! This is an all in one teacher organizer. I can track so much with it and I know that tracking data is big thing right now. It is for ipad only and you can keep multiple seating charts, lesson plans, schedules, your grade book, attendance on it and it even has a random picker capability. This app is very specials teacher friendly. You can keep multiple classes on it and import class lists by .xls spread sheet. The grade book is what I really love about the app. There are so many different icons and options of how to assess the students. I can use smiley faces for quick assessments, color blocking for keeping track of turns, and a few select icons for marking if a student was absent during an assessment or a student has a learning disability. It is really nice, even though it does take a bit of time, you can take a picture of the whole class and then, with the magic of this app, it will put a square on the face of each child and you can drag it into its spot by the child's name in the grade book. When teaching hundreds of students each year it is always nice to have pictures....;)
Choir is an extra curricular in my district at the Elementary age. Because I was an inherent teacher last year I did not have a school of my own/a choir of my own. So!!! Now that I am at just one school this year I inherited the fabulous choir program the teacher there before me worked hard to build. She was moving on to teach choir at the junior high level. Coming in replacing a seasoned choir director was no pressure, especially with my zero experience in the subject ;) I just dove in and learned as I went, and dare I say it was a pretty good time!
Here are some reflections from this first year:
1. Music K8 is your friend!!!
Aside from providing wonderful arranged music with awesome accompaniments, (I am not a piano player at all!) this company makes your life so music easier with ideas and resources to teach and perform the piece. There are so many things they provide you with such as, instrument parts, movement ideas, prop and set suggestions, scripts, part tracks, and various videos to help. This is about $100 bucks to subscribe for a year but sooo worth it when you are not exactly sure what you are doing!
2. Plan Your Rep for the Season Before it Even Starts
I did not get the chance to plan ahead for choir this first year because I didn't know what to expect. I needed to get to know the students and what I was working with first. Now that I have that first season over with I am definitely going to use the lovely summer to plan rep for next year. There were so many evenings staying at school, sifting through music k8 magazines, the silver burdett series, and online, searching for the perfect song for tomorrow.... It's not fun looking for stuff as you go because there are so many factors that play into being prepared and ready for the performance aside from just finding the music. Have a list of potential songs that you have access to so at least you don't have to worry about that in the heat of the choir season!
3. Delegate and Student Leadership
Giving students some responsibility can make you happy and your students happy! I have a section leader or two for each row of students in my choir (about 8 students). I make them fancy section leader name tags with the name of their row on it. I hope it makes them feel important because they are in helping the choir run smoothly! They helped me so much with things like taking attendance for their section, holding other students accountable for their posture (they do this by just giving a tap on the shoulder and we talked about this is just a friendly reminder to fix it), locking my door after the late cut off, manning the computer, and holding the sections box of lunches when going on a field trip. They helped immensely! I never even had to touch a attendance sheet!
4. Warm Ups can be Repeated
I got soooooooo many different choir resource books the summer before school started! At first I focused on trying different warm ups out and while that was nice to keep it fresh the students got frustrated because there was no familiarity and sometime we would spend so much of our time learning the new warm up that we didn't get to the songs. Repeating a warm up routine is okay! I don't know why I stressed myself out so much trying three new warm ups each time. Not only did they have to learn it but I needed to too and sometimes that was hard to learn all ahead of time in order to teach the students. I burnt myself out and the last part of the season we did the same exact routine every time. Next year, I plan to strike a balance. We will keep the same core routine but each week add a new one and slowly cycle out the old. I think both the students and myself will be very happy with this :)
5. Learn as Much as you Can from the Masters
Warm ups:
Method/How to Teach:
(This book is out of print but if you can find it used it is very much worth it!)
A Book I Want to Try:
( I saw this guy present at Ohio's Music Educators Conference and he was fabulous!)
My first post on the blog, so exciting! There are quite a few music teacher bloggers out there that have been such a source of inspiration for my teaching! Especially, Mrs. Miracle Music Room, she actually teaches in the school district I grew up in. I was astonished when I read this in her bio after reading quite a few posts of hers. This is my second year teaching and I LOVE what I do. It is so rewarding searching for resources and fresh ideas to bring to the classroom. Usually, those sources, with the best finds, are blogs, so...I just had to try to start my own. It looks like so much fun :) I would like to start off with a peek into my week! It is the week before spring break, and I know we will all be chomping at the bit. My lessons will need to keep everybody (including myself!) moving. My school is a modified year round schedule so we will be missing two weeks in March which means no St. Patty's Day at school. I can't help but include some activities before we leave! Here are some of my favorite resources and activities.
1. St. Patrick's Day Video
Here is a video that explains the story of St. Patrick's Day and some fun customs. After watching we talked about what we learned. This video expands on the religious roots of the holiday, if that is something that would not be appropriate at your school, just skip to about 2:30. Each class had a fun debate about the leprechauns and if they are real or not ;)
2. Steal the Gold
This is a very fun game by Lindsey Jervis from the Kodaly Inspired Classroom. This game can be used to review rhythm concepts and work on identification. Lindsey has included many different rhythm concept sets too. Find it here
3. "Shamrock" from Boogie, Blues, and Ballads
Boogie, Blues, and Ballads is an amazing resource of orff arrangements. I used the piece called "Shamrock" for K-2. In Kinder, we just learned the adorable song and made up movements for the select words in the piece. First added the non-pitched percussion and second grade added the barred instruments. I love when you can take a piece and build upon it each year. It is always nice to come back to something and expand on it. If you would like to look/purchase the book, Click here!